Barn Conversions
BArn conversions near Bristol
We provide architectural and surveying services for a number of traditional and contemporary barn conversions.
We have vast experience in initial structural appraisal to carryout conversions and are experts at writing reports to support the conversion of barns into dwellings, these include the submission of reports for listed building applications and to support class Q conversions of barns under permitted development rights.
We have vast experience in signing off listed building conditions including method statements and detailed survey reports of existing fabric, including detailing for new elements or replacement timbers.
We work on a large range of buildings including historically sensitive grade I & II Listed Buildings. Please visit our conservation website for more information.
We have vast experience with the sensitive management and restoration of old structures and have the technical expertise through our architectural technologists to provide solutions for difficult structures such as steel portal frame buildings. Our innovative approach coupled with our research and development team can often offer support for the conversion of such buildings where traditional methods fall down.
We also have experience in managing the construction stage through administering JCT contracts for barn conversions.